All of the reviews praise the play for being a faithful adaptation of the book. Oddly enough, however, the book has no nude scenes in it that I can recall – to the contrary, Wilde usually describes what Dorian is wearing in great detail. There are vague reference in the book to affairs with married women, and undefined relationships with men, but little if any detail is provided. The premise of the book is that Dorian’s portrait ages, and becomes grotesque because of the evil life that he leads, while he remains young and handsome.
I went to Mr. Coombs’ website to see if he looks like Wilde’s extensive description of Dorian. That is where I discovered that he lists his driver’s license on his resume. I thought that was funny and did a quick post. There was a Top Ten list with it (The Top Ten Ways To Pad Your Resume) but I removed it because a couple visitors though I was making fun of Mr. Coombs.
Over the past several days, there has been a flurry of visitors to It’s Jim via Google searching for “Steve Coombs" -- Welcome! -- but there are no nude pictures of him here.
Steve Coombs, actor, licensed driver (March 16, 2006)
Looking for Dorian Gray in all the wrong places (March 31, 2006)
Dorian Gray arrested for murder. (April 7, 2006)
Seek Knowledge (April 7, 2006)
To Be or Not To Be, with marinara sauce (April 9, 2006)
The Roar of the Greasepaint, The Smell of the Exhaust (April 13, 2006)