Friday, December 02, 2005

You Are What You Ate, And Drank, And Refilled, And Super-Sized

Rooty and I just finished a late dinner or early breakfast. I entered what I ate in the box at the Nutrition Toolbox and it turns out that I've consumed 870 calories and it's not yet 2:00 AM.

It's a pretty neat site. Enter the name of your favorite food or junk food in the box and it will give you additional choices about sizes, ingredients, etc. It does the same if you enter a fast food company name, such as McDonald's. As you can see in the picture, a running tab is kept of total calories in your accumulated choices.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

My cholesterol is on the low end too! You can't look at someone and tell what their blood pressure is - mostly you have to rely on genetics.

We've got great genes in my family!