=======UPDATED==12/7 11:00PM======
New answers added -- plus I reversed the order.
Moni said we could all visit with her in New Mexico -- I'm willing to rent the bus!!!!
Let's do two lists.
1. What blogger would you most like to have lunch with? It can be someone you visit with daily, or maybe a blog you have only been too once. And, it is only for lunch, we are not asking about anything else. [NOTE: Your choice cannot be me. I only eat lunch with Rooty, in the car, on our way home from McDonald's.]
2. What visitor would you most like to know who it is? If you use a tracking service (Sitemeter, StatCounter, etc.) you can tell what city your visitors come from. All of us have frequent visitors who never leave comments, most don't. But is there that one visitor who you would really like to know about.
SO, in your comment, lunch with whom and why? and what visitor intrigues you and why? I'll recopy to list below.
-------------------------THE LISTS---------------------
LIST ONE - What blogger would you most like to have lunch with?
Suzi -- OK, Jim and Rooty won't eat lunch with us. Fine...I'll deal with it. I'd like to have lunch with Phoenix, Pixie, and Rob Thurman (local folks) plus out-of-towners Stan and Amber.
Phoexix -- I think it would be fun to have a big lunch gathering with Kim (phoenix-rising.net/blog), Kimberlyn (kimcstl.blogspot), Lon (obilon.blogspot), Andrew Cairns from Austrailia, of course you Jim, and Meagan (hopefully she'll play piano for us), and Suzi Chen. Maybe Suzi can cook some fried rice for us.
Meagan -- Well, first off, I think it would be like a non-stop laugh-fest to have lunch with Jim, Stan, Me, Phoenix, Suzi, Scott, and David Amulet all together. A big enough group of bloggers who are all semi-familiar with each other enough to not have those awkward UPC-code-inspired silences.
And Jim, maybe we could rent a mini-van so we can all drive-through McDonalds, that way you and Rooty can be involved also.
But, one-one-one, I would like to have lunch with Emily (
emilyrenee.blogpost.com) because I think we have so many similarities beyond the fun silliness. We only met in blogworld and I really wonder if we'll ever meet for real.
Stan -- Since I've actually
had a meal with half of my blog friends at one point or another, and I can't choose Jim and Rooty, that narrows down the field considerably. I'd have to choose
Kristen, because I think that we'd get along just as well in person as we do in the blogosphere. She'd have to be okay with my girlfriend coming along. ;)
Jim -- I would like to have lunch with Stan, probably because of our shared preoccupation with inconsequentials, but in person there would probably be awkward silences followed by my beating him senseless for reciting random UPC codes during dessert. I would take Moni, Suzi, Maegan, Phoenix, Scott, and the rest of you to dinner (with cake).
LIST TWO - What visitor would you most like to know who it is?Suzi -- Regular reader from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Who the heck is this who visits almost every day?
Phoenix -- That's so weird, Jim, because I have a frequent visitor from Ontario as well, right from the very beginning. No idea who they are. Also, I have someone from Saskatchewan that has been to my blog over 100 times. Maybe the Canadians are mad at me for all my wisecracks!
Meagan -- I am not nearly savvy enough to keep track of my sitemeter. It's through bravenet and I guess I just haven't figured it out yet. However, when I created that silly quiz, there was a Diana and a Tom who took it. They both got 70% right, so must be somewhat regular readers. Neither of them have ever commented. Diana and Tom! Who are you!?!
Stan -- I used to have a frequent visitor whose ISP was a UPS in New Jersey, but when I
publicly asked who the person was, they mysteriously disappeared. These days I'm seeing a bunch of hits from an ISP in Hickory, NC, and I can't think of anyone I know who lives there.
Jim -- I have a visitor from Toronto Ontario, I also used to have an IM chat buddy from Toronto, and every time I see
Toronto I wonder if it is him. It was a very causal chat buddy, I didn't even save his IM address, it's just on of those things that sticks in your mind.