I originally posted this April 11 th:
Well, the phone company officially thinks that I'm dead! A letter came today from their “Credit & Collections” department that, while acknowledging that there are sometimes delays “in settling an estate,” strongly suggests that I pay my final bill (as ,of course, we all must at some point in time, let us pray). The final bill is for $0.00. Yes, $0.00. If I weren't dead, I'd send them a check for $0.00.
Perhaps a refund of my underpayment.And you thought it could not get any stranger! You will note from the post above that the telephone company thinks that I'm dead and would like my estate to pay $0.00. Then, they sent a check for $16.58. I scanned it and posted it above. Maybe it's a memorial, in lieu of flowers or having a mass said, and may eternal rewards be mine!
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