The hedgehog was unharmed, but probably very confused, and undoubtedly very busy telling Tootsie Roll jokes to the other hedgehogs.
The guy, well, ended up with a severely lacerated penis. Seems that hedgehogs have needles or spines much like a porcupine has quills.
It could have been much worse, of course, if the guy had played for a different team -- the needles would have been up his, well you get the general idea.
For his pain and suffering, we're going to give the guy three Crying David Beckhams:

That's one painful way to get a Prince Albert.
it sounds like some really bad serbian fraternity initiation
And what do we give a man with apparently the world's smallest penis???
tootsie rolls are traditional, but this guy gets a half toothpick :)
Aww hedgehods are so cute but full of FLEAS!!
Loving the David Beckham pics LMAO
Do they have hedgehogs in the US ?
no native hedgehogs in north America, although we are about up to our elbows in armadillos, which have extended their range as far north as Missouri
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