Thursday, January 21, 2010

Need salt?

The salt is on the floor of my garage. You can see the bumper of my car in the lower left.

IDOT does a great job in the winter. Before it begins to snow, trucks are sent to wait on the shoulders of the roads, all night if necessary. I had a friend who did this in the winter, until his IDOT truck caught fire and burned to toast (he's okay). IDOT dumps tons of salt, and then keeps plowing and salting until the roads are clear. Oddly, the roads often look snow covered but they are just stained white from all that salt.

On the way into town, there is an S-curve on the north side of a hill. IDOT strays liquid salt on that stretch of highway almost every night in the winter, just in case!


Jay Noel said...

Now what to do with all that salt?

Jim said...

Foen -- wait until Spring I guess and pull that vinyl sheet out into the driveway and let the rain wash it away -- big defect in my house, no faucet/hose in the driveway, not even close