The letters roughly translate y-sh-oo-a (switching from right to left to left to right).
The pronounciation would be Y'shua (or Joshua).
The name can also be written with one or more Hebrew letters for h, pronounced he (producing Yehoshua).
Translation to Greek got rid of the ua, since Greek men's names cannot end in an a. They changed ua to us.
The Greeks also had no Y so they used I.
The J was not invented until the middle ages.
Happy Easter!
Note: There is great disagreement over how "Jesus" would have actually been probounced. Part of the problem is that the last letter above (on the right, it looks like a Y) -- named Ayin -- is silent (like the H in honor). This might produce Yey-soo or Josh. Although the Ayin is silent, it does indicate that the word should end with an exhale from the back of the throat -- like Fonzie's "Aaay!" Other places in the Bible, where the Ayin is preceded by an H-sound, are easier to translate as "waa" as in Joshowa -- JHWSH, plus an Ayin at the end, producing JHWSH' by modern convention.
I often wonder how people manage to see images of Jesus and The Virgin Mary when nobody alive today has a clue as to what they looked like. All we have is Italian renditions. We know they were Jewish, but that's about it.
Oddly, the only description of Jesus in the Bible is how he parted his hair.
Simply sad for all who have braindirtyed to the utmost ;-(
Their 'easter', 'christmas', 'good friday',,,, observations unquestionably link them to pagan folklore ;-(
Sadder yet, they worship a three headed pagan catholic god ;-(
Yet there is hope!
For Miracles do happen.......
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