I didn't get a chance to tell you about this.
The week before Christmas, Rooty and I were headed east on Hwy 100 in Franklin County in Missouri (Bet you could see that last part coming!).
The highway is two lanes where we were at, with left-turn lanes at the traffic signals. We had just gone through a green light when I saw a fire engine with lights and sirens in my rear view mirror. I pulled over onto the paved shoulder, as did the car behind me, and the car behind that car. There were cars in the left-turn lane, cars waiting to turn south away from the westbound lane. So, the firetruck had a clear lane between we three cars on the shoulder and the cars in the left-turn lane. Then...
Then a car turned from the side street right in front of the fire ruck. Wait, it gets worse...
When that car ("the Idiot") got even with the car behind me, it stopped, dead, completely blocking the lane the rest of us had cleared for th firetruck. The firetruck honked its horn, producing a sound that neither "honk" nor "horn" adequately describes.
With the firetruck on its bumper producing that incredible sound, the car just sat there.
So I hit the gas and drove on the shoulder until I reached the next intersection. The guy behind me followed me on the shoulder. The third car on our shoulder backed up. The firetruck drove out on the shoulder and around that idiot in the eastbound lane. Wait, it gets worse...
After it got around the Idiot, the firetruck swerved back into the through traffic lane -- with the car that had blocked its path right behind it. That idiot then tailgated the firetruck right past the car behind me, and me. The highway widens to four lanes on the other side of the next intersection. The firetruck turned left onto another highway. But, and this is my favorite part, the car that was behind me got within inches of the rear bumper of the Idiot, and stay there. When last I saw them, they were turning in tandem into a Wal*Mart parking lot.
I like to imagine what words were said.